A week ago yesterday I went through the Temple for my endowments. I was able to go with Barb and her parents. It was really quite amazing to me how wonderful the experience was, how spiritual it was, and how much sense it all made to me in terms of the order of things, the meaning of things, and the symbolism of what was conveyed. If you read on the internet about what "happens in the temple" from the people that hate Mormons, it is really quite shocking what they say. There are truly a lot of terrible things written about what happens in the Temple. I had gone to a Temple preparation class with Barbara and I was able to learn a great deal about the meaning and motivation of going to the Temple through my wonderful instructors. And going through the Temple for my endowments was a wholly wonderful experience, completely and utterly different than what I had read about it from the sites that supposedly inform people of what goes on there.
It is easy, VERY easy, to see how people would find the Temple or LDS faith to be cultish given what is written on the internet. Given what actually happens in the Temple, it is amazing how completely different it is from the stories people seem to tell of it.
I certainly can't speak for other people that have gone through for their endowments, and I can't speak for what happened in the past. But for myself, I can say that nothing even REMOTELY inappropriate occurred there, which is directly contrary to what people say "online".
I had taken to reading a few of the anti Mormon sites when my Mother had been researching the Church and she had encouraged me to read some of the information as she had done. At that time, I had already read some, but I read a great deal more to understand better where she was coming from. It makes sense how easy it would be to be frightened or in the very least concerned if you were not a member and read the information on the internet about the Church.
My time in the Temple up to now has been absolutely wonderful, rewarding, and extremely Spiritually fulfilling. I truly love being there, and I look forward to being sealed in the Temple this Saturday to my wonderful fiance'.
I can honestly say that the Temple has touched me. I look forward to going back often throughout my life and my marriage. It truly is a blessing, and it truly does bless us for going. I know because I have received a very specific and real, tangible blessing from going to the Temple, and I have written about that here in the past.
I am thankful that we have Temples here on the earth, and I look forward to my wife and I making our house "like unto a Temple".