Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Apostle of our Lord

In less than a week, an Apostle will be here in Arizona - Elder Scott. It is interesting to think - with all our technology, all our ability to communicate rapidly and "get the word out", the news stations and newspapers and magazines don't talk about Elder Scott coming to Arizona. In days long ago, from scripture, in those comparatively primitive times, people proclaimed the arrival of an Apostle when they would visit a town. Now granted, maybe not everyone was happy about their coming back then, but I think most everyone at least KNEW...

Not only is an Apostle coming, and not only will I have two opportunities to hear him speak, but I have actually been asked to speak on Saturday, during the Adult Session of my Stake Conference. This puts me on the stand just a few feet from him for the entire session. What a blessing this will be!

I was inspired a few days ago with the talk I will give, and I hope it is well received. I have felt from first joining the Church that I have an important message to bring to its' membership. This talk on Saturday gives me an opportunity to share that message with even more people.

This weekend should be an absolutely incredible experience.


  1. It will be an absolute incredible experience for all of us who get to hear you. What a blessing and privlege.

  2. I am really excited for both Saturday and Sunday. They have asked me to be in the Stake Center for Sunday for my being sustained for the Melchizedek Priesthood. So unfortunately, I won't be at our ward building again until next Sunday. Still, being that close to Elder Scott on two occasions should be amazing. I know how I feel when I watch a recording of him speak - seeing him in person will be that much better! :)
