Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My own personal Temple blessing

I wrote a while ago about having visited the Temple. I'm due to go back soon and I look forward to that very much. What I didn't write about my previous visit though, was a blessing I had received.

I have been blessed by my visit to the Temple, and the blessing has remained in place, unwavering, ever since. The blessing is very personal, but I wanted to share about it as much as I can because it was EXTREMELY tangible - it happened immediately after my Temple visit, and it hasn't left me since.

So, let me tell you what I can of this blessing. First, I can say that before this particular visit to the Temple that I had been struggling with a particular temptation. I had found a way to be successful in not SUCCUMBING to this particular temptation, but here is the thing - nothing I did prevented me from being tempted. There is a big difference between not being tempted and in finding a way to deal with the temptation! No matter what I did, I couldn't get the temptation to go away, so I just focused on not succumbing. That had gone on for several months.

Then I went to the Temple, not thinking about this temptation one bit while I was there - in fact, my mind was completely focused on the trip, the work, the joy of finally being there.

...and then I got home. It was just a few hours after getting home that I noticed the temptation was gone. I remember thinking "that is nice...". And the next day it was gone too. And the next.

It has been gone ever since.

I cannot tell you how much of a blessing this has been for me! The Temple is a truly wondrous place and wondrous things happen there.

I have received my very own personal Temple blessing...

...and I have only begun to see the smallest of the blessings in store.

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