I was walking out of Lifetime Fitness the other day and the black gentleman in front of me was probably a good ten paces in front, but noticed I was coming out of the gym with two young children. He came back and held the door open as I came out.
"Thanks" I said. "No problem - I have two kids of my own, I know what it's like." was his reply.
We made small talk for a while walking toward our cars, which ended up being fairly close together. As I put my kids in the car, I noticed he seemed to not be getting into his vehicle. After I was done getting my kids all buckled in, he walks toward me, somewhat timidly...
"Do you know how to get to Chandler from here?" He asks. We talk for two or three minutes, I give him some advice on how to get there.
As I drive away I feel good. I don't even know the guy, but I had a good conversation with him and helped him find his way.
Wednesday. I eat lunch with some friends from work. After lunch, they drive away in their vehicle (I was running errands), and a foreign lady walks up toward my car, looking lost. I am already inside, my windows rolled up. She definitely looks like she was hoping to talk to me. I roll my window down.
"Hello. Can you help me?" She asks, in broken English.
"I need to find my way to 123 such and such street" she says (I don't remember what street it was, I had NEVER heard of it).
I was all ready to tell her no, I had no idea where that was when I realized I had a gps in my car and I could get text directions for her. So I put the address into the gps, had it tell me how to get there and told her - it was pretty simple as it turns out, she was less than a mile and a half from her destination.
She thanked me sincerely for my help.
Last Sunday, a friend of mine told me about her friend. Her friend had cancer. She didn't say it, but it hung in the air unsaid "...and she may not have long to live."
My friend knew I used to do photography on the side. She asked if I could take some photos of her friend. I felt a bit of a sharp pain in my heart.
You see, I have thought for probably four years now that I should really join an organization called "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep". They have photographers to take photos of young infants (often only a few days old) that are terminally ill. It is something I have intended and wanted to do for a long time, but I thought I would be too emotional to be able to take photos of these little babies. I thought I would end up doing more harm than good.
But I couldn't turn my friend down. So I told her I would take photos of her friend. We set a date to meet on Thursday.
The next day I thought about it more. We are all Spirit children from God - we are all brothers and sisters. Seeing a young infant that is terminally ill is never going to be easy on me, but I think it will help knowing that they will go back to be with God. I filled out an application to take photos of the dying infants. I haven't heard back yet.
I had a long day at work today with a lot of meetings back to back. The only way I could even go to the restroom was by being late to one of my meetings. I got home, knowing that tomorrow I fly out of state, and I need to pack tonight. I pick my kids up tomorrow morning and I need to start working very early so that I can get to my plane on time.
My mind wasn't on taking photos of someone with cancer.
I got the phone call from my friend - after talking and pleading with her friend all day, she finally convinced her to go to the park for some photos. I was to meet them in thirty minutes. I got my gear all packed up.
I was about to head out the door. I went back inside and knelt down. I said a prayer for the lady with cancer whom I had never met. I prayed that she would find her way to God. I prayed that she would know his love before she left this world, and I prayed that she wouldn't leave this world until it was truly her time.
I said a prayer for myself. I prayed that I would be able to take photos that would be pleasing to her. I knew she was VERY apprehensive about having her picture taken, for a variety of reasons.
And I went to the park. I had a wonderful time taking photos with them both. The wind was cool and light and awesome. I think I was actually able to get some photos of her being herself. My friend got her to relax and forget that I was there. Together we were able to set the stage for picture taking. I was very thankful that I didn't make her nervous or apprehensive.
I got home and I processed the photos and sent them to my friend, who loved them. She sent them to her friend. Then I got an email back about them.
The subject was: "She Cried". In the body of the email, it said "She said you made her look so beautiful! She can’t believe she is saying this, but she wants pictures to give to others and share."
I felt so good, my heart just filled with joy. To have given this lady I didn't even know something nice while she struggled with such adversity was a truly wonderful gift.
Seeing these two friends together in the park, taking photos of them, it was a really moving experience.
I think sometimes we forget that our interactions with others can have such a dramatic effect on them AND on ourselves. Someone told me recently that we should be "kinder than we have to be". When I heard that, I thought of my friend from Junior High that I had met twenty four years ago, who, through his acts of kindness helped me to find the Righteous path.
I have begun to see how rich and full a life he must have lead these many years. It is extremely rewarding to help others. I sometimes think about how many people's lives I would have touched in positive ways in the last twenty four years if only I had found my way sooner. I can't change the past, but I can certainly look forward.
She cried. And I think they were tears of joy, and happiness. Someone with cancer was filled with joy and happiness. Man that feels good.
We are both sleeping SO much better now that he is:) We miss you too hope to see you soon!!!! Thanks for the nice comment about Max, we think he is such a cute little stinker too. Karl is SO cute with him.